

Friday, September 4, 2015

How you can have a beautiful hair ?

¡Hi everybody! Today we are going to tell you about the hair, a matter very spoken by the women

 You can a beautiful hair with the following advice:

1- You can do that your hair crow more quick, from today, you should begin to brush your hair 3 times in a day, eveyday. is a great stimulation for the hair can crew.

2-  You should wash you hair  with cold water, beacause the hot water hurt the scalp. Bisides the cold water help that hair crew and become more shine and silky.

3-  Is harmful wash your hair everyday. Now know that you have a dry hair, wash it, everyday, it make that your hair is more dry, and if you have a greasy hair and you wash your hair everyday, you will have that wash your hair 

4- Remove the knot, that frecuently many women have in our hair, ¡Now is posible! 
you just should put in your hair a little of olive oil and wait around 20 minutes and then  style it, with your fingers.

5- You can make hair make. with natural products, like the avocado and eggs for have a healthy hair.